Hey, it's OK!

...to not consider lust a particularly deadly sin. Or pride. Or even sloth.

...to not consider lust a particularly deadly sin. Or pride. Or even sloth.

...to shout, "I am not!" when he claims you're hormonal.

...to start your to-do list with a task you've already done.

...to tell your family that you met your current boyfriend through mutual friends and leave out the fact that those friends were Bud and Weiser.

...to begin thinking about lunch at 9:35 A.M.

...to smirk when you see the big, tough guys at your gym tripping on the elliptical machine.

...to demand to be taken off speakerphone.

...to RSVP without a plus-one.

...to bail on plans because the grinch is on. You don't turn your back on Little Cindy-Lou Who!